Preventing Discrimination and Harassment

Walla Walla University believes that every person is created in the image of God as a being of inestimable value and worth.  Therefore, it is the policy of the university to promote respect and dignity for others, fostering an academic, work, and living environment that is free from discrimination and harassment. For information on the university's policy and procedures, please review the following links. 

Student Handbook and Code of Conduct 

Employee Handbook 

Title IX Policy 


The university seeks to maintain an environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, including harassment as defined in our policy. Discrimination or harassment in any form that is prohibited by law or university policy will not be tolerated. The university will promptly respond to all reported concerns/complaints. To inform us of a concern, please complete the form at the link below. 

Report discrimination or harassment complaints here>

Although you may report anonymously, we encourage you to provide your name and contact information so we can provide you with additional resources and explain the processes available to you. We will follow up to the extent possible with the information you have provided and any more you choose to provide in the future. Our ability to take remedial action may be limited should you choose to report anonymously.


If you are interested in completing a course on sexual harassment prevention, please contact:

Brooklynn Armesto-Larson, Assistant VP/Dean of Students
(509) 527-2542


Keri Self, Director of Human Resources
(509) 527-2302

Thank you for doing your part to help preserve the respect and dignity of others by upholding the university’s policies and procedures.